playlearnWelcome everyone!

 Yes, it’s that time of the year when summer is still on our heels but growing thin by the second. Even though we reject the idea of going back to duty (school or work or just daily drudgery), we can find the strength to admit it is for our own good.

Once we believe that, it’s almost fun to come back. Hard, tiring, heart-wrenching fun. Let’s smile then. If we have to start all over again, let’s do it with debonair.

So let me welcome all of you. Let me welcome the children, the mothers, the fathers, the grannies and grandpas, the aunties and uncles, the cousins, the friends, the good, the bad and the ugly, the queens and kings who would rather stay late in bed enjoying breakfast on a silver plate, the sporty and brave who have time to go jogging and do the ironing and read the newspaper before 8 o’clock, the busy who push their baby in their prams rushing through streets like racing tracks, welcome to you and to the tanned turtles on the beach, the lazy who couldn’t finish that hundredth book in a row, the blind bats who spent the whole summer watching Lost recaps, welcome to you all.

LCT IDIOMAS is back! So are you. Let’s rejoice.

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