Did you hear? We are back!

Yes, dearies. LCTIDIOMAS, your favourite place to hang out in English, is back in business :-) We hope you had a blast during your summer holidays, and we welcome you to a brand new term to catch up with your language skills.


Monday to Friday
10 am to 2 pm
5 pm to 9 pm

Do you feel a bit under the weather at the start of the school year or when going back to work? Everyone feels the post-holiday blues, but it's not the end of the world. One sure way to battle the downsides of this time of the year is to share the burden. Do you have any tricks that help you boost your mood?

  • talk to friends
  • start a new hobby
  • read an exciting book
  • have your hair cut
  • make a recipe
  • post creative photos on instagram

If you have ideas on how to combat the post-holiday blues, don't be shy and leave a comment. We'd love to hear about them.

Regards from the LCTIDIOMAS team.