New on the wall

And here we are again ;o) The course is coming and we have to be ready. So we’ve decided to start new things this year like the Handblog. Yes, it’s not enough to have this very beautiful blog you’re reading. We wanted a new one. The kind you can touch with your own hands. And it’s alive O_O

Wanna come and see it?


LCT is coming


Hey, are you there? It seems like I blinked and my summer was over. I can’t believe it’s already September. Everything went away in a breeze and I mean it. I’ve been everywhere doing everything, but the Sun was missing most of the time so I’m going to miss it in return. Not enough heat, not enough baking under the golden rays of summer. Did you get enough of it? Enough fun?

So what exactly did you do?


…was chased by all kinds of giant insects, had barbecues in the front yard of a country house, went to a musical with a deformed ghost, walked along a historical wall, danced barefooted, enjoyed Prometheus at the cinema, met a donkey with big hairy ears, ate blueberry cheesecake, read 6 books, found an open-air exotic food market, swam in an indoor swimming pool, came across a second-hand book market under a bridge, took part in a group reading of Abraham Lincoln: vampire hunter, had the most delicious gazpacho, got lost in the mountains for 7 hours…

What about you?

Be fun. Be back.