Hey, did you think we were gone? Not so, mates. We are smoothly sailing through long summer days and having fun to boost.

Here I give you some illustrated proof of all the things you can accomplish with a pinch of English and a lot of smiles.


Best recipe I know of to have fun in summer:

relish every minute

don’t make plans

make on-the-spot plans

swim, run, sleep, eat, dream, read, write, think, don’t think, don’t sweat, get tanned, do something new, smile at a stranger, have a shower, have a foamy bath, read more, travel, draw crazy pictures, make an exotic salad, eat brazil nuts, take a siesta during the hottest hours, toss a ring at a ring game, jump rope, watch a comedy on TV, find out about the largest insects in the world and then have a panic attack, get over your panic attack by watching some tornado videos on youtube, get awed at the wonders of the world, read a bit more, sleep another siesta, relax, don’t relax, do more…

See ya when the summer is over but still lingering in our mosaic minds. Kisses.