Folks, winter is staying with us for six long, dreary weeks.

And how can we know this? Ask the groundhog. ground-hog-day

Yep, I said the groundhog. Don’t you believe me? Well, apparently people from the USA believe this cute rodent can tell winter from spring in a split second. Or at least on one particular day. The legend goes like this.

Groundhog Day is celebrated in the U.S. each year on February 2nd. On this day in mid-winter, the groundhog awakens from a long winter's nap, and goes outside of his den to see if he sees his shadow. This tradition is big on an otherwise cold and dreary mid-winter's day.

According to legend, if the groundhog sees his shadow (a sunny morning), there will be six more weeks of winter. He then returns to his den and goes back to sleep. If however, he does not see his shadow (cloudy days), he plays around outside of his hole for a while. If he does not see his shadow, spring is just around the corner.

What do you think about this tradition? Superstition? Folly? Midwife’s tale? Or good enough to take into account? Your calling.

Say hello to Punxsutawney Phil, the sleepy, weather-predicting celebrity among groundhogs.

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