What is it about this day that turns us all into lollypop-crazed ghosthunters?

Do you believe in ghosts?

There is a good question. And this, my friends, is the only time when that question can be officially asked without too much public embarrassment.

So let me ask you. What would you do if you had a ghost encounter? TELL ME. Moan to LCTIDIOMAS and share your wild ideas.

We can then compare. Create a MOSAIC of the global x_hallbruixa0u imagination. Yes, you guessed. I’m hooked on Flashforward. Who isn’t? Who wouldn’t? I know I can’t help it. All that mystery lying around just to be discovered mouthful by mouthful.

    How will you be spending the next few days?

What are you doing on Halloween?

Drop an eerie comment and let us know.

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