A Mystery for Christmas

This year we are feeling a bit mysterious and mischievous. All your teachers are thinking about Christmas, family, and fun times. So they’ve thought of a way to surprise you and make you wonder.

The mystery is a game.

And the game is called `Who is Who?´

Here are some photos of your teachers when they were kids. Do you think you can match the face with the name?

Katie1Out and about, two girls sharing colours but not a name. Sheryl

LisaShe’s giggling about something, as usual

AleksTwo blonde ladies smililng the day awayCHRIS 


Now here is the big question: a girl or a boy?


gavin and friend

Nothing like a hat to make you look the part.



So cute. The four of them ;o)


Now it’s your turn to try and guess where on earth your teacher is hiding in all these pictures. Wanna bet?

And each teacher will tell you a little bit about themselves when you solve the mystery. If you dare.

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